Professional photography and filming from the air

Professional photo and film shoots

Capture special moments and projects in a special way

We inspect and measure your buildings, industrial plants and solar plants – so that you can always use them optimally and repair them in good time in the event of an emergency, avoiding damage and loss of revenue in good time.

We film and photograph your special moments from different perspectives – with professional cameras from the air. So that you keep your wedding in special memory or your company stands out from the crowd with an image film thanks to a special perspective.

We find wild animals – so that you can cultivate your fields without worrying and rapidly spreading diseases are stopped as quickly as possible.

Our services

What you can expect from us


Is your solar system really working at full power? In all modules? Or could it be delivering more energy?

We inspect objects and industrial plants while they continue to work – from the air.

We detect faults.

Wind energy

A defect in your wind turbine can be expensive. And dangerous.

Protect yourself from this. And others. Do without expensive scaffolding, cherry pickers, lifting platforms or industrial climbers.

We inspect areas that are difficult to access.

Searching for fawns

As a farmer, have you thoroughly inspected your fields and meadows before harvesting?

Are all fawns and wild animals really safe before you set off with your machines?

 We help you to save animals.


Are wild boars spreading the dreaded swine fever in your area? Where in Germany do wolves live?
And how many birds in this one colony? Let’s protect deer from death by mowing together.

We find animals.


What is the exact size of the area to be built on? Do the planned dimensions fit? How does the new building fit into the surroundings? We fly over the site or your property with a drone, film, photograph and measure. This creates detailed models for your planning.

We measure down to the last detail.


Show on your website what the upcoming vacation could look like. We enable you to show your location, hotel, resort or yacht from a different perspective – with photos and videos from a bird’s eye view.

We spice up your tourism marketing.

What can we help you with?

Write to us at

Or give us a call: +49 152 – 21 76 67 24

Let us find out together in an initial, non-binding discussion how we can support you.

About us

Professional aerial images and aerial photography with high-tech drones (quadro & multicopters). We film and photograph on your behalf for image films, inspections, documentation, surveys and monitoring in the construction, real estate, industrial and agricultural sectors. We deliver pictures and videos from a bird's eye view of weddings, company celebrations and major events. We operate nationwide from Brandenburg and Hamburg.

Drohnen Expertise

Holder: Steffen Franzeck

Main office:
Alter Wall 32
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49(0)40-80 90 31 90 17

Scharnhorststr. 45
03238 Finsterwalde
Phone: +49(0)3531-6 79 12 29
Fax: +49(0)3531-6 79 51 43

Leipziger Straße 8
03238 Finsterwalde

Mobile: (0152) 217 667 24

Social Web