African swine fever


African swine fever (ASF) threatens domestic pigs

If African swine fever (ASF) occurs in a certain area, it spreads quickly. Unfortunately.

African swine fever is usually fatal in domestic pigs. In order to protect them, it is necessary to find and destroy diseased animals quickly. Dead and live animals.

The virus is transmitted directly and indirectly. Wild boars and pigs infect each other. ASF is harmless to humans and other animals. However, they can transmit it.

How do drones help in the search for animals infected with African swine fever?

Indirect transmission is quite dangerous. For example, if agricultural machinery encounters diseased wild boar during grain harvesting, the virus can reach domestic pigs via blood on the equipment.

The virus also finds its way into other areas via contaminated clothing and shoes. Unfortunately also via vehicles. That’s why we disinfect our cars every time after an assignment.

Scavengers such as ravens and other animals that come into contact with infected wild boar easily carry the virus to surrounding regions.

Almost all cases of infection in domestic pigs are fatal within a very short time.
It is therefore important to detect and eliminate potential sources of infection at an early stage.

We have been using our drones since the outbreak of African swine fever began two years ago. We know what to look out for in particular. And how we systematically and effectively search fields and meadows. So that infected animals are found as quickly as possible.

Use of thermographic drones in the fight against African swine fever:

  • We use thermal imaging cameras on our drones to detect animals from the air – both living and dead.
  • We also use drones with regular cameras to view carcasses and carcasses.
  • We document the locations where they are found and report them to the relevant authorities.
  • Early in the morning, in the evening or even at night – we fly when the animals‘ body heat radiates well from the surroundings, making it easy to locate the pigs.
  • We fly the drones over very large areas in a relatively short time. This saves cost-intensive searches by people.

Do you suspect that wild boars are infected with African swine fever in your region? React in good time. We can help you to prevent the spread of the disease at an early stage.

We use thermal imaging cameras on our drones to inspect
meadows, forests and fields.

Simple. Fast. Safe.

What can we help you with?

Write to us at

Or give us a call: +49 152 – 21 76 67 24

Let’s have an initial, non-binding discussion to find out how we can support you.

Frequently asked questions about African swine fever:

What is African swine fever and why is it a threat?

African swine fever (ASF) is a viral infectious disease in wild and domestic pigs. The disease, also known as African swine fever, is caused by the African swine fever virus (ASFV).

ASF was first discovered in Africa, but has since spread to other continents, including Europe. The animal disease first appeared in Germany in 2020. Infected animals have now been registered in several federal states, currently mainly in eastern Germany.

ASF is highly contagious and fatal in pigs, as there is currently no effective treatment or vaccination. This disease therefore also threatens pig herds in affected areas. ASF therefore leads to economic losses for agriculture and food production.

ASF is also a threat to wild boar, as it can disrupt the balance of ecosystems and promote the spread of the disease in the wild.

Unfortunately, this disease spreads rapidly if diseased animals are not detected early.

Can the disease also be transmitted to humans and other animals?

African swine fever is not contagious to humans. There are currently no reports of humans contracting African swine fever. The disease does not currently affect other animals either, only pigs.

African swine fever is mainly transmitted through direct contact between infected and healthy pigs.

However, humans can also pass on the virus indirectly by carelessly disposing of meat or sausage containing the virus. Food waste should therefore be disposed of in sealed garbage cans. The virus is very resistant and survives in fresh, frozen, cured and smoked meat as well as in sausage products. The virus also attaches itself to objects such as tools, footwear, clothing and transport vehicles and is thus spread further.

How are drones being used to contain African swine fever?

Drones are used at various times to assist in the containment of ASF. Drones use thermography, i.e. thermal imaging cameras, to detect sick and dead wild boars. The locations where they are found are reported to the relevant authorities. The area can then be cleaned and disinfected accordingly.

Drone pilots also fly over areas and collect geographical data and images. This means that pig movements can also be monitored across borders.

What advantages do drones offer in the containment of African swine fever?

Drones also fly over large areas in a relatively short time. They are therefore faster and usually more far-reaching than other ways of checking a region affected by ASF. This also helps to avoid contamination and thus the spread of the virus. Drones are more environmentally friendly than special airplanes or helicopters, for example. The renamed flying objects can also be used to inspect areas that are difficult to access or dangerous without endangering people.

What are the challenges of using drones to contain African swine fever?

There are some challenges in using drones to contain African swine fever:

Weather conditions: Heavy rain, high winds and other poor weather conditions can hinder or prevent the use of drones.

Access to remote areas: Drones may have difficulty reaching or flying over remote areas, especially in mountainous regions or when road conditions are poor.

Privacy: The use of drones to monitor agricultural areas and other rural areas can raise questions about the privacy of the people concerned.

Legal regulations: In many countries, there are strict regulations for the use of drones, particularly with regard to flight altitudes, flight ranges and the use of cameras. Compliance with these regulations can be difficult for the use of drones to contain African swine fever.

What are the government and federal states doing to contain swine fever?

„The Federal Government is taking the animal disease very seriously and has initiated many measures together with the federal states to effectively combat ASF. First of all, the requirements of the national swine fever regulation apply.“

This includes:
Contaminated or endangered areas and buffer zones are closed and marked accordingly.

If farms with domestic pigs are affected, protection zones are set up and monitored. The herds themselves are closed.

If necessary, sections of the most important highways are demarcated by fences as an additional wild boar barrier.

Have affected or suspected affected areas checked and monitored at an early stage and regularly using drones.

„The measures were coordinated in the Central Crisis Team for Animal Diseases under the direction of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture (BMEL). The BMEL is also in contact with the relevant associations, the European Commission and other affected member states.“


Sources and information on African swine fever:

1. federal government and federal states:

2. Information from the Friedrich-Löffler-Institute (Federal Research Institute for Animal Health) on ASF:

3. Information from the Baden-Württemberg Wildlife Portal:

About us

Professional aerial images and aerial photography with high-tech drones (quadro & multicopters). We film and photograph on your behalf for image films, inspections, documentation, surveys and monitoring in the construction, real estate, industrial and agricultural sectors. We deliver pictures and videos from a bird's eye view of weddings, company celebrations and major events. We operate nationwide from Brandenburg and Hamburg.

Drohnen Expertise

Holder: Steffen Franzeck

Main office:
Alter Wall 32
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49(0)40-80 90 31 90 17

Scharnhorststr. 45
03238 Finsterwalde
Phone: +49(0)3531-6 79 12 29
Fax: +49(0)3531-6 79 51 43

Leipziger Straße 8
03238 Finsterwalde

Mobile: (0152) 217 667 24

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