Wildlife monitoring


That’s the rabbit in the bush … or the wolf in the bushes

The drone can be used to find, protect and rescue wild animals

Modern technology helps to protect species and animals: How many partridges are there left in Germany? Where in Germany do wolves live? Are wild boars spreading the dreaded swine fever in this area? And where on the ground do lapwings lay their eggs?

Drones help to track down (wild) animals

Counting wildlife, protecting animals and species

And suddenly there are only a few partridges left. How many gray herons, cormorants or black-headed gulls live in a particular region? Checking these figures at regular intervals helps to save certain species from extinction. Biodiversity is important for our environment and for us. It stabilizes our ecosystem. The more diverse our habitat is, the less susceptible it is to external influences. It is therefore important to protect our animals. Like deer, for example, from being killed by mowing. (The number of animals within different colonies can be documented more easily and reliably from the air using a drone than laboriously with binoculars and a notebook. Especially for colonies with many animals, such as different bird species.

We are therefore happy to help:

  • to track down wild animals such as wolves, deer or wild boar.
  • to protect animals whose offspring „hide“ in meadows, such as deer or ground-breeding bird species like lapwings.
  • Count animals living in a particular territory or colony.

Avoid damage caused by deer

Damage caused by game in fields, meadows and forests is annoying. For example, when deer, hares or foxes nibble on trees, grain or maize, this damages the plants. Roe deer, red deer and fallow deer mainly eat young, soft shoots and buds. Wild boar rummage like mad. They show no consideration in their search for food. They destroy rape fields, cereal and maize fields as well as potato fields. They also like to eat seeds and ripe fruit. In meadows, the animals dig mainly for grubs and mice.

It is therefore important to know which wild animals are where. This allows you to take protective measures in good time.

Facilitate territory management for hunters

According to the German Hunting Association, the number of wild boar being shot is rising continuously. Particularly due to the spread of African swine fever (ASF, more on ASF here), it is important to explore, monitor and document animal movements and populations over large areas. The view from above through the drone gives you as a hunter an overview of the hunting ground. This allows you to determine optimal locations for hide systems and necessary traps.

Advantages of tracking (wild) animals by drone:

Studies have shown that animals are not disturbed by drones if the pilot flies carefully and at an appropriate distance over the area to be surveyed. Advantages of using drones to track wild animals and birds:

  • Counts are more precise when viewed from above.
  • Also possible in rough and inaccessible terrain.
  • Easy documentation even over longer periods of time.

Simple. Fast. Safe.

What can we help you with?

Write to us at info@drohnenexpertise.de

Or give us a call: +49 152 – 21 76 67 24

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Frequently asked questions about wildlife monitoring with drones

How do drones support wildlife monitoring?

Drones significantly improve wildlife monitoring. They fly over areas that are difficult to access and capture images or videos of wild animals in their natural habitat. With special sensors and cameras, they provide valuable data for nature conservation.

What are the advantages of wildlife monitoring with drones?

Wildlife monitoring with drones is efficient and minimizes disruption. It makes it possible to monitor large areas that are difficult to access in a short space of time. It also does not disturb wild animals, as the drones operate from a safe height.

What kind of equipment is needed for wildlife monitoring with drones?

For wildlife monitoring with drones, we use drones with a powerful camera or other sensors. Thanks to the thermal imaging cameras, we can detect animals even in poor light conditions or in dense vegetation. GPS systems are important for locating animals accurately.

Is wildlife monitoring with drones also possible in bad weather?

Weather conditions can affect the use of drones. Rain, snow or strong winds make it difficult to fly a drone. However, certain drone models are robust enough to fly in less than ideal conditions.

How effective is wildlife monitoring with drones compared to traditional methods?

Wildlife monitoring with drones has proven to be more effective than conventional methods. Drones can cover larger areas more quickly and provide more detailed and precise data. They also disturb the animals less.

Are there any legal restrictions on wildlife monitoring with drones?

Yes, there are legal regulations for the operation of drones, which vary from country to country. This applies, for example, to flight altitude restrictions, distance rules to animals and data protection regulations. A thorough check of local laws should therefore be carried out before taking off.

How long does a typical wildlife monitoring session with a drone last?

The duration of a wildlife monitoring session with a drone depends on the size of the monitoring area and the specific objectives. On average, we work for between one and several hours.

Which wild animals can be monitored with drones?

Virtually every type of wild animal can be monitored with drones. From large mammals such as elephants and moose to smaller species such as birds and reptiles. The ability of drones to operate from a safe distance makes it possible to monitor even shy and hard-to-reach species.

How expensive is wildlife monitoring with drones?

The costs for wildlife monitoring with drones vary. They depend on the type of equipment required, the size of the monitoring area, the duration of the project and the experience of the pilots. Nevertheless, wildlife monitoring with drones is often more cost-effective than conventional methods.

About us

Professional aerial images and aerial photography with high-tech drones (quadro & multicopters). We film and photograph on your behalf for image films, inspections, documentation, surveys and monitoring in the construction, real estate, industrial and agricultural sectors. We deliver pictures and videos from a bird's eye view of weddings, company celebrations and major events. We operate nationwide from Brandenburg and Hamburg.

Drohnen Expertise

Holder: Steffen Franzeck

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