Fawn rescue


Fawn rescue with drone

As a farmer, have you thoroughly inspected your fields and meadows before harvesting?

Are all fawns and wild animals really safe before you set off with your machines?

We help you to save animals.

Advantages of fawn rescue with a drone:

  • Grass or fields remain largely undamaged: the area is only entered when and where the thermal imaging camera has detected something.
  • Cost- and time-saving: Systematic skimming is faster than manual searching.
  • More effective than other methods: The fawns are easy to find even in tall grass thanks to thermal imaging.
  • Fawns are retrieved immediately by the hunter responsible, after which they can be mowed.

Recognized from the air – drones find fawns without flushing them out

Do you still search for fawns „by hand“? Do you organize a chain of people who meticulously walk the field or meadow to discover hidden fawns? Methods designed to startle the deer or their offspring are usually not very effective either. Again and again, fawns are overlooked and have to die.

Save time, effort, organization and costs. Save fawns thanks to the view from the air – using thermographic drones. We can help you with this.

The thermal imaging cameras of our drones detect from above where the curled-up fawns are hiding. They cannot be seen with the naked eye.

So we find the places where deer have laid their young in the meadows. Because the problem is: fawns keep very quiet when in danger and press themselves against the ground. This is how they save themselves from natural enemies. The ever faster mowing machines are usually far too close before the fawn jumps up and flees. By then it is often too late.

Specially trained drone pilots systematically spot the fawns

When searching for fawns using a thermographic drone, it is important to check systematically. Our employees are specially trained for this. And we like to get up early in May and June to do this.

Because May and June demand a lot from you as farmers. And from us as fawn rescuers too. Due to the weather, everyone is mowing their meadows and working their fields almost simultaneously. For us, this means working almost around the clock. And often spontaneously.

Would you also like to rescue Bambi and his companions and have your meadows and fields searched for fawns? With pleasure!

What can we help you with?

Write to us at info@drohnenexpertise.de

Or give us a call: +49 152 – 21 76 67 24

Let’s have an initial, non-binding discussion to find out how we can support you.

How can a drone help rescue fawns?

Drones are an effective tool for fawn rescue. They fly over fields and meadows and use special thermal imaging cameras to find fawns hiding in the tall grass. This allows the animals to be located and brought to safety before the fields are mowed.

What are the advantages of fawn rescue with drones?

Fawn rescue with drones is fast, efficient and protects wild animals. Aerial surveillance allows large areas to be covered in a short time. The thermal imaging technology makes it possible to track down the well-camouflaged fawns in the tall grass and rescue them in good time.

Wie funktioniert die Rehkitzrettung mit Drohnen genau?

In der Regel fliegen wir mit der Drohne früh am Morgen, wenn die Rehkitze noch ruhen, über die Wiesen. Die Wärmebildkamera der Drohne erfasst die Wärmeabstrahlung der Tiere. Auf dem Bildschirm des Drohnenpiloten erscheinen sie als helle Flecken. Sobald ein Kitz entdeckt wird, wird es vorsichtig geborgen und an einen sicheren Ort gebracht.

How safe is the use of drones for fawn rescue?

The use of drones to rescue fawns is safe – both for the animals and for the drone pilots. The drones fly at a certain height above the fields so as not to disturb the animals. Professional drone pilots are trained to control the drones carefully and effectively.

Is special equipment required to find fawns with a drone?

The drones we use to rescue fawns are equipped with thermal imaging cameras. These cameras recognize the heat signatures of fawns hiding in the tall grass. Some drone models also offer real-time streaming of the camera images so that the animals can be found and rescued quickly.

Can drones also be used to rescue fawns in bad weather?

Weather conditions can affect the use of drones. Strong winds or rain can affect the drone’s flight behavior. However, many drone models are robust enough to fly in less than ideal conditions.

How much time does a drone need to inspect a field for fawns?

How long it takes us to check a field with the drone depends on the size of the field and the speed of the drone. On average, however, a drone can scan a field the size of a soccer pitch in around 20 to 30 minutes.

How effective is fawn rescue with drones compared to traditional methods?

Studies have shown that fawn rescue using drones is more effective than conventional methods. The ability of drones to search large areas quickly and detect the well-camouflaged animals using thermal imaging technology leads to a higher rescue rate.

About us

Professional aerial images and aerial photography with high-tech drones (quadro & multicopters). We film and photograph on your behalf for image films, inspections, documentation, surveys and monitoring in the construction, real estate, industrial and agricultural sectors. We deliver pictures and videos from a bird's eye view of weddings, company celebrations and major events. We operate nationwide from Brandenburg and Hamburg.

Drohnen Expertise

Holder: Steffen Franzeck

Main office:
Alter Wall 32
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49(0)40-80 90 31 90 17

Scharnhorststr. 45
03238 Finsterwalde
Phone: +49(0)3531-6 79 12 29
Fax: +49(0)3531-6 79 51 43

Leipziger Straße 8
03238 Finsterwalde

Mobile: (0152) 217 667 24

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